IPads and Tablets

Apparently Apple does have competitors for their tablets. Since Costco and Apple aren’t the best of friends right now, you can find no less than 3 competitors for iPads there. I still don’t know anyone who’s got one, but I am sure that they are selling them. I am going to be selling my iPad and buying a Barnes and Noble Nook. The Nook is basically an android tablet for $249. I am going to ‘adjust it’ so that it more full featured and comparable to an iPad. If you’ve got a non-Apple tablet, let me know what you think. I’ve heard that the Blackberry Playbook is awful, the HP Web-OS based tablet is neat but still early in its development cycle, and most Android tablets are roughly the same, so shop by cost.

By the way, I have an iPad 1st generation. I’ve played around with it enough to be a resource on what apps are good and what are wastes of money. If you’ve perused the App Store, you’ll note that the majority of apps out there are garbage and it’s always good to have someone pointing you in the right direction.